Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Google Takes Cloud Computing To The Next Level

Cloud computing is a new concept that is quickly gaining popularity in the world, though it is rarely utilized in Kenya. But what is cloud computing? It is an Internet- ("cloud-") based development and use of computer technology ("computing"). In concept, it is a paradigm shift whereby details are abstracted from the users who no longer need knowledge of, expertise in, or control over the technology infrastructure "in the cloud" that supports them. It typically involves the provision of dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources as a service over the Internet.

Main advantage of this concept is the fact that the users don’t need in-depth knowledge of various computing concepts. In a semi-computer-literate country like Kenya, this would go a long way in enhanced the computer usage by the ‘common mwananchi’. The other advantage is that the user does not require high-end resources on his or her computer, but rather the resources in the ‘cloud’ are shared among the users. In particular, the storage resources of Google Docs, for instance, are virtually inexhaustible. Finally, the user can access the storage servers from any part of the world via the Web, talk about unlimited portability.

Google Inc has taken cloud computing to the next level by providing a platform on which exclusively runs, the Google Chrome OS. Google Chrome OS is an open source operating system designed by Google to work exclusively with web applications. Google Chrome OS would require less storage space because the operating system on a disk is 60 times smaller than Windows 7.

"With Chrome, Google is seeking to challenge Microsoft dominance in the market It's basically a web browsing machine," said Altimeter Group analyst Charlene Li, referring to the netbooks powered by Chrome operating system (Source: Nation Daily 24th November, 2009)

The new Google Inc software will start up a computer as fast as a television can be turned on, an average of seven seconds on a netbook. The operating system is based on Linux and targets specifically designed hardware. The user interface takes a minimalist approach, resembling that of the Chrome web browser. Because the browser will be the only application residing on the device, Google Chrome OS is aimed at users who spend most of their computer time on the Internet.

The technology is apt for small to medium scale business with little financial provision to invest in their ICT infrastructure. With a low-end computer such as a netbook, a business can process and store business document either in the office or remotely. This also presents an opportunity for our secondary and primary schools with low budgets for their computer labs. The computers would not require running the applications or having huge storage spaces. However, it demands an investment on the Internet bandwidth, which is becoming cheaper as days pass.